1ST DAY OF SCHOOL ROCKED!(: at least i thought so!
hello(: today was kinda great except for something that spoiled my mood): talk about that later alright..
Woke up eary in th morning and had th *i dont wanna go school mood*. Then met Huizee on th way to busstop. I started to high -_- yes, alone. tsktsk. suddenly very excited for school :P haha.
Met some classmates at th busstop. Went in together.
Felt kinda weird wearing hot pink shirt. Miss Abraham went: They are not pink panthers! -.-x zzz. wdv. lol.
*Eugene, in your face: HAHAHA! .__.*
Uh, stayed back in hall after others were dismissed. Arranged all th chairs and stuffs. Waited for parents and sec1s to come[:
I'M SEC 2! 2! lol, that's random :P
Got them lined up accordingly and after some talking by Mr Ari, brought th sec1s to their classrooms. Was in charge of 1C! My ex class~
Played some games with them. Sadly, they didnt wanna co-operate. Divided them into 2 groups. 1 group is quite fun but th other is like dont wanna talk. Got some guys, ask them move a little bit they refuse cos there's a girl there ._. wtheck? okay, admit i was once like that :P
Hahas, i remembered some names!
Don't care spelling! :B
Rachel, Venus, Esther, Glenn, Kajoul, MengXue, Veronica, Sacada, Daniel, JinHong, Jaslyn, Jiateng and some others okie. I dont wanna bore you. SERIOUS.
Then th Sacada boy heard me calling elizabeth "bird" then that rude boy call her bird also. then he anyhow call, call me chicken -__- he called Alison horse! Wa.
Then there's this boy whom i can't rmb his name :P and Glenn (They're friends) they ask me for my name. I said HUISI then they "huh? huixin? you heixin lah, black heart." -__- z.
I was high th whole day can! Omg. What happened! hha. I ask them intro themselves. Then they dont wanna talk! haiz. Then they tell me their name and i help them say their name LOUD LOUD. hahah. but don't think th whole group heard please. Heck :P
Around 11.20am? Went back own class{: They were talking about class committee. I think eli, felly and peizhen is suitable lor! But they don't want. Sabo-ed Jerry :P SHHH. dont tell him. I know he won't read this :D Cos last year i chairman is he sabo one lor! Lol.
I think be chairman actually quite easy leh! hahaha. Come to think of it. haha. Is only sure dunno have to see Ms Rachel.A alot of times :O And, have to ignore others critisizing you lo. Th rest nothing lor. But i already student leader so give others a chance.
Meiting or Xinrong should be. *Serious look.* But they must have a guy or someone who has a loud voice to be th vice-chairman. Cos they 2 very soft. Hahas.
12pm went to hall and Miss Foo, Mr Samsul (Sp?) and Miss Tan talked to us for awhile. Then ate abit of beehoon. (Yucks, remind me of a bitch please.) Then met Kelsey and Sinhuay, put our bags in canteen. Left for tm^^
Bused there and went MJ get my fahrenheit 3rd album!!!!! BUTBUTBUT, unfortunately, haven't come-.- ZZZ. Damn it. Dunno when then take leh :P Monday?.. till 8thJan only!
Went foodcourt to see got what to eat. Walked around, nothing to eat. Went LongJohnSilver eat. Eating halfway, someone rang th bell quite loudly. So kelsey said "Later we go out we ring th bell also. then we quickly zao." Lol. then finish eating, me and kelsey went to ring th bell and quickly got out of th shop :B
Went minitoons and bought plain black hp strap. But somehow i like it alot! Lols.
Bused back to school and it was still early :O Changed and walked around? Suddenly when we were playing monkey, Nazirah and Kelsey say want go watch seniors play match. Me and Sinhuay didnt want CoachJoseph to see us so we didnt go out.
Expectedly, 1 senior asked Nazirah to play. Hahaha. Then me and Sinhuay quickly zao to th back of th canteen :X
Then Kelsey also didnt play. So we sat down at out place there. Then suddenly coachJoseph come and tell Kelsey play. Me and Sinhuay were like heng ah. Then awhile later, he came in and asked me and Sinhuay go play. Lol. Scared please. Cos like i noob then skills not good. Play with seniors sure die. Hahaas. Overall was okay i guess. Played kinda badly when 1 senior and coachJoseph said good game. But half of th time, Coach.J wasnt looking. :D
Training at 4pm. Started with 10mins run. Suddenly love running alot!^^ Yes, motivation please!
Then ladder and ball work. Had friendly match against seniors. Played 2/4 of th game. WA:D Totally no confidence! Ohmgod, competion coming!!! HOW.
Had debrief. Coach wants us to train every schoolday! :O 2 days she'll be present and th other 3 she won't be there but we'll have selftraining for 1h! -_-
No choice. Competitions coming up.. EAST ZONE COMPETITION! last year seniors got 4th in zonal can! Stress stress.
Waited for Felicia and Huizee to be done and Kelsey was getting impatient.. lol.
Went tidbits connection with them. Me and Felly bought some sweets while Huizee whom said she wanna go didnt buy anth-.- tsk.
Home, bathed, use com+dinner.
-I suddenly wished there was school tomorrow! xD
-I have 2 blisters that are friggin' pain!):
-Legs are i dont know why kinda weak now! Omg. Cant walk properly!]:
Some overdued pictures[:

Outing with 6F'o7 clique!{:
ECP Bbq!{:
Alrightiesxz, enjoy your weekend^^!