went white sands study with Jinglin Girlf, Huizee& Huiyi[:
was 'very' productive. LOL.
took neos with Zee& Jing:D took pohotos when editing th pics but all with Jinglin!
Post when i get them.
Friday had eng paper 1& 2. Im gonna die in summary lah! heck, exams just suck. [likee duh]
woke up at 11am+ :X heh. Bathed& used laptop.
1pm+ left house for bedok inter for lunch. Bro asked if can dont go. Mum agreed so i also stay at home. Packed lunch& ate at home[:
Watched tv while waiting for time to fly. Wanted to tie hair but didnt cos Sinhuay& kelsey say also not tying-.- pinned hair though.
Left house around 4.40pm :X Met Sinhuay at cc entrance, met kelsey, went toilet tie hair, met ashley. Met ms ng, helped to carry th goodie bags which are heavy cos of th bottle of water-.-
When all th goodie bags are in th hall alr, we 4 went to hall& stand infront of th fan!:D hahah! th weather very hot. Went to redeem th goodie bag which was super pathetic! 1 mooncake, 1 bottle of water, 1 pen, 1 small lollipop& 1 burger. zzz. asked ms ng for permission before heading to 7-11[:
Bought slurpee& headed back to cc. Kelsey& Ashley were assigned to take care of 1 of th game booth. Me& Sinhuay actually is also take care of 1 game booth one. But th seniors didnt want to get seperated so they were in charge of that game booth lor. Me& Sinhuay in charge of reception corner:D yay! get to sit down& watch performance when got nobody. helped everyone cut lucky draw ticket out& put in lucky draw box.
We sit there quite long. But nvm[[: suddenly got 1 rc member come to us and volunteer to help us take care of th reception corner & she told us to go & play. but me& sinhuay th tickets give my 2 bros alr lo. so we get from ashley& kelsey cos they cannot play :O see, me& sinhuay so lucky! play basketball, th ring thing, th egg tray thing& darts! haha, dart was easy, got bullseye consecutively[idk how spell :X] played till dunno what time, went back into th hall, th lucky draw never win anth one lo. haha. they announce 1st prize, first number they called nobody go up, 2nd number they called nobody also! till they announce th 3rd number then got people go take-.-x
Lucky draw ended, went out to find Kelsey& Ashley & remembered i got 1 more game i can play so play th basketball thing lor. when they done, we walked out, ashley went opposite while me, sinhuay& kelsey took pics :X walked home while th 2 went to take bus.
Bathed& used laptop. Was doing other things while blogging thats why not in time to post. Was forced to stop blogging at 1.15am cos my mum was scolding-.-
Later going parkway meet mum& take lunch then dinner with dad at old airport road to celebrate his bday! oh fcuk, i forgot his bday present! buying his present at parkway later:D
Rainbow in macs!






A comedian performing.


went white sands study with Jinglin Girlf, Huizee& Huiyi[:
was 'very' productive. LOL.
took neos with Zee& Jing:D took pohotos when editing th pics but all with Jinglin!
Post when i get them.
Friday had eng paper 1& 2. Im gonna die in summary lah! heck, exams just suck. [likee duh]
woke up at 11am+ :X heh. Bathed& used laptop.
1pm+ left house for bedok inter for lunch. Bro asked if can dont go. Mum agreed so i also stay at home. Packed lunch& ate at home[:
Watched tv while waiting for time to fly. Wanted to tie hair but didnt cos Sinhuay& kelsey say also not tying-.- pinned hair though.
Left house around 4.40pm :X Met Sinhuay at cc entrance, met kelsey, went toilet tie hair, met ashley. Met ms ng, helped to carry th goodie bags which are heavy cos of th bottle of water-.-
When all th goodie bags are in th hall alr, we 4 went to hall& stand infront of th fan!:D hahah! th weather very hot. Went to redeem th goodie bag which was super pathetic! 1 mooncake, 1 bottle of water, 1 pen, 1 small lollipop& 1 burger. zzz. asked ms ng for permission before heading to 7-11[:
Bought slurpee& headed back to cc. Kelsey& Ashley were assigned to take care of 1 of th game booth. Me& Sinhuay actually is also take care of 1 game booth one. But th seniors didnt want to get seperated so they were in charge of that game booth lor. Me& Sinhuay in charge of reception corner:D yay! get to sit down& watch performance when got nobody. helped everyone cut lucky draw ticket out& put in lucky draw box.
We sit there quite long. But nvm[[: suddenly got 1 rc member come to us and volunteer to help us take care of th reception corner & she told us to go & play. but me& sinhuay th tickets give my 2 bros alr lo. so we get from ashley& kelsey cos they cannot play :O see, me& sinhuay so lucky! play basketball, th ring thing, th egg tray thing& darts! haha, dart was easy, got bullseye consecutively[idk how spell :X] played till dunno what time, went back into th hall, th lucky draw never win anth one lo. haha. they announce 1st prize, first number they called nobody go up, 2nd number they called nobody also! till they announce th 3rd number then got people go take-.-x
Lucky draw ended, went out to find Kelsey& Ashley & remembered i got 1 more game i can play so play th basketball thing lor. when they done, we walked out, ashley went opposite while me, sinhuay& kelsey took pics :X walked home while th 2 went to take bus.
Bathed& used laptop. Was doing other things while blogging thats why not in time to post. Was forced to stop blogging at 1.15am cos my mum was scolding-.-
Later going parkway meet mum& take lunch then dinner with dad at old airport road to celebrate his bday! oh fcuk, i forgot his bday present! buying his present at parkway later:D
Rainbow in macs!

A comedian performing.
