Today's th last day of term 3! :D rocks lor. exams coming, *panic*. tsktsk,
Okay, let's talk about today..
Started th day off with ACES DAY. All Children Exercising Simultaneously day[:
Danced abit, felt paiseh, dont want dance luhr.
Had recess, never go canteen. Went back classroom with Ms Loo's stuff.
Ms Loo's damn nice;D she kept giving out food which people gave her! how nice! she came up to me& offered me cake& cookies{: & she brought 1 big tub of sweets up to class to let us share. Then, Darren poured th whole tub on th table, people started snatching :O kiasu. in th end, left 10 sweets or so :X
Then recess ending, me& Felicia went change. Ahma helped me buy chrysanthemum tea:D thankyou ahma!
Art was painting& drawing again. in th end, me& xinrong not satisfied with our work, we tear th whole page out! lol. There was an announcement at 10.25am which ii heard as "could all student leaders AND exco members please come to th hall now." BUT mr nicholas heard as "could all exco members please come to th hall now." he said "exco members only." then ii was like "oh, ii heard wrongly." So ii couldnt care less.
Then, 10.38am, Robi& th prefect in charge of our class came find me& zhiqin! :O say, we 2 were supposed to go up hall ! we were supposed to bring th chers backstage& get a balloon. then, we had to walk to th hall and 'pick' a cher. then, we had to escort them to th back of th hall to sit-.-x
KNOW WHAT I DID. ii was supposed to go up alr, then me& robi said to a prefect we didnt want go. So, she said pass to someone else. I gave to Michelle from 2E nad she took my place!:D Robi gave to ANOTHER Michelle also from 2E. haha, ii was like, "eh robi, zaozaozao!" cos ii scared she return me ma. then, ii run all th way to th back of th hall. Heh, waited for Zhiqin& went back class there and sit.
Teachers' day performance was alright. Indian dance was o.o Aiman can shake. LOL. keep screaming. Chinese dance rocked:D ii think this girl called Sofya from 2D was great luh. hha. at 11am, Monisha called! Picked up her call and talked behind my bag. tsk.
When th whole thing ended, ham made us go up classroom and clear th bks under our tables. sian lor. so, took everything, pile up in one stack and put in locker. Brought home maths, history& science to study:O guai? NOT.
After sku, Me and Ashley went Staff room find Mdm Surimah. Couldnt find her so ii put th present on her table[: Huizee came down, we went busstop find Marilyn. Left for temasek!:D
Met Limmin& nat there. Me, Limmin& Huizee went in first:D found Mdm Dalilah 1st! :DD then, Monisha, Melissa, Yanqi, Arifah,Freddy& Dwayne came over(: chatted. Mdm Dalilah rocks can
:O th flower's nice. *rolls eyes*

purple; makes me calm.
ii cant smile like ii used t0 ;
Hot pink: 陈朋朋老师.
Light pink: Mdm Dalilah.
Purple: Mdm Surimah.
Our messy bags,
Me& Gen,
Me& Jinglin,
Me& Yanqi,
I was damn bored,
Vandalise my hand, SPASTIC's th word.
Zhngwei knew ii was taking pic of him:X
Me& Felicia during maths. i was damn bored.

Ms Loo; Best BDS cher~!
Mdm Dalilah; Best TPS cher~!
I broke wifeyy's calculator):

Oh, did ii mention ii fell AGAIN yeterday-.-
Today's th last day of term 3! :D rocks lor. exams coming, *panic*. tsktsk,
Okay, let's talk about today..
Started th day off with ACES DAY. All Children Exercising Simultaneously day[:
Danced abit, felt paiseh, dont want dance luhr.
Had recess, never go canteen. Went back classroom with Ms Loo's stuff.
Ms Loo's damn nice;D she kept giving out food which people gave her! how nice! she came up to me& offered me cake& cookies{: & she brought 1 big tub of sweets up to class to let us share. Then, Darren poured th whole tub on th table, people started snatching :O kiasu. in th end, left 10 sweets or so :X
Then recess ending, me& Felicia went change. Ahma helped me buy chrysanthemum tea:D thankyou ahma!
Art was painting& drawing again. in th end, me& xinrong not satisfied with our work, we tear th whole page out! lol. There was an announcement at 10.25am which ii heard as "could all student leaders AND exco members please come to th hall now." BUT mr nicholas heard as "could all exco members please come to th hall now." he said "exco members only." then ii was like "oh, ii heard wrongly." So ii couldnt care less.
Then, 10.38am, Robi& th prefect in charge of our class came find me& zhiqin! :O say, we 2 were supposed to go up hall ! we were supposed to bring th chers backstage& get a balloon. then, we had to walk to th hall and 'pick' a cher. then, we had to escort them to th back of th hall to sit-.-x
KNOW WHAT I DID. ii was supposed to go up alr, then me& robi said to a prefect we didnt want go. So, she said pass to someone else. I gave to Michelle from 2E nad she took my place!:D Robi gave to ANOTHER Michelle also from 2E. haha, ii was like, "eh robi, zaozaozao!" cos ii scared she return me ma. then, ii run all th way to th back of th hall. Heh, waited for Zhiqin& went back class there and sit.
Teachers' day performance was alright. Indian dance was o.o Aiman can shake. LOL. keep screaming. Chinese dance rocked:D ii think this girl called Sofya from 2D was great luh. hha. at 11am, Monisha called! Picked up her call and talked behind my bag. tsk.
When th whole thing ended, ham made us go up classroom and clear th bks under our tables. sian lor. so, took everything, pile up in one stack and put in locker. Brought home maths, history& science to study:O guai? NOT.
After sku, Me and Ashley went Staff room find Mdm Surimah. Couldnt find her so ii put th present on her table[: Huizee came down, we went busstop find Marilyn. Left for temasek!:D
Met Limmin& nat there. Me, Limmin& Huizee went in first:D found Mdm Dalilah 1st! :DD then, Monisha, Melissa, Yanqi, Arifah,Freddy& Dwayne came over(: chatted. Mdm Dalilah rocks can
Mdm Dalilah; Best TPS cher~!

I broke wifeyy's calculator):
Oh, did ii mention ii fell AGAIN yeterday-.-
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