im exam-free! whee~ good luck to Yvonne bestie for Monday's paper yeah!
Okay, talk about recent things happening yeah.
Thursday Before sleeping at 1.15am, sms-ed Yvonne bestie:D she pei me cos she also have exam(: Being a stupid, last-min revision person, i revised till 1.15am okay. LOL, geog sucks): So, maths was th easiest among th 4 paper! i never say it's easy hor!:DD Geog.. screwed it. heck. Netball after sku. Training sucked. Coach was being damn strict-.-x scoldings were inevitable. wdv luhs. Did steps and ran in th field for 5 sets and i was half-dead after that :X yeah, stamina sucks. Coach said after SA2, we'll be heading for stadiums. Run there, steps there and training obviously held there-.- sigh. She say we're luckier than last year's sec1s. Like whatever. Injured finger. Towards th ending of training, my finger was alright alr but coach didnt let me defend cos she said my hands were not there to defend. But, nevermind[: can slack:D Home-d and wasnt feeling quite well. Was damn tired after walking home, carrying textbooks, practical book and workbook home to revise. Had slight fever, stomachache and headache)): Bro said i over-worked. Mum said i lack of water. I think i overworked too and lack of sleep :X. Netball like 2-3 times per week.And, Netball is not like choir or infocomm, almost all day in air-con room, slack lor. Haha, maybe im not for sports? Dunno luhs. Fell asleep almost immediately when i reached home-.- Woke up an hour later, bathed and dinnered with no appetite. Couldnt finish dinner which mum claimed was little. Revised Science.. Conference-ed with Jiaen(L) and Yvonne(L). Jiaen use same Science textbook as me! We both had science exam on th same day, having pressure and force in both our papers;D Slept at 11pm or so.):
Friday On th way to sku, Jiaen wished me luck and sent me nice messages:D i love her luh! Eng paper was do-able. I suck at english, so no high hopes. recess didnt eat though i was hungry. Studieddd. I FLUNKED SCIENCE D:I somehow dislike sci now.Samuel cannot teach man, continue having her as my cher, i might fail EOY sci): she spend most of her time lecturing lor. tsk. We were supposed to have art luh, then we went to Art room, no cher[expected] then, i pull felicia along, we go General Office, th staff say supposed to have a cher called mr lim. tell me to bring th class up to classroom and 1 of us go staff room find him. Felicia went SR and when i was otw back to art room, th class was going up alr. So, just go lor. Felicia came back soon after. Mr lim came in and he let us have free-period. He say cannot stand up, then Melissa wanted to shift her seat back and she was having difficulties-.- me, tahira, sonia & felicia kept laughing-.-x i know that we cannot use handphone in class.. I listened to music though. Heh, i put on earphone on my left ear and put my head on th table:D Kelsey teach me one. Haha, 2 chairmans showing bad example :X Chinese had test AGAIN. pfft. Had sihan test.. Was alright. Maths was slack.Ms Loo kinda scolded me, Tahira, Melissa& Felicia for making too much noise. Heh, i know luh, we always laughing one o.o Then. Ms Loo after sku say APART FROM ME, th 3 of them have to pay more attention in class, have to work hard. tsk, my studies not good lor, why APART FROM ME-.-
After sku, went library cos they said they wanted all chairmans to go library for some teachers day crap. Then, th irresponsible cher, went for LUNCH. wtheck?.. waited for her like 15min or so. She came up, ask if still got anyone still wants to order th coffeebean thing-.- dont want or order le, can go. WTHELLLL. waste time seyy. Bused to cold storage to find sonia, felicia& tahira. Bought chips.. This weird guy came over when we were at th busstop cos Melissa wash her hands with water from waterbottle at th busstop-.- he say later people think we pee. tsk. HE PEE LUH. went back sku. I didnt know i would be going back sku, then i carry my bag with me. zzz. Went canteen and was reading Felicia's teenage mag.Went up classroom and th GirlGuiders went to change, we went back library to take their bags and went down. melissa went outside sku to get something from her Mum. Soon after, Bella called me and i took my bag, felicia accompanied me to gate there Went busstop, Bella came, 14-ed to Bedok inter:D otw there, we took th same bus as Jamie& some of her frens who adore SHAWN too:DD [some] THEY SAY SHAWN'S CUTE AND I TOTALLY AGREE LUH! 1 girl wanted Shawn's pictures from Bella but had to alight. Headed to Macs 1st to get lunch. Then to library. I was reading Bella's school diary:D lol. super lifeless lor. She revising her maths and writing mahs formula down[: so guai lor. Hahaas. Went hangten to buy her bag& watsons to buy her lipice cos her lips very dry. 38-ed home. Super no appetite for dinner)): vomitted and had slight fever]]: didnt help in NEmation project. sorry junwei, giresh& kelsey yeah): slept at 8.30pm or so.
OHYA, today was supposed to go out with Yvonne& Jiaen one. But Yvonne mum dont allow cos she say today have evil spirits or dunno what come out. ANOTHER DAY:D
Saturdayy[today] Woke up at 9.30am? Didnt want to get off bed so i started reading Chicken Soup which was by my bed(: Decided to get up at 11am or so. Tv-ed and bathed. Left home for lunch at th opp block. Rained and decided to cab to aunt house with dad, ahma& ryan. Jack was at tuition and mum went to fetch him. *BAM* my head hit th cab when i was getting in-.-x wthell luhs. Haha! so clumsyyy)): pain okay. haha. me& bro kept listening to musci and singing in th cab-.- pity th cab driver& my dad. ahma always have to hear me& bro singing at home. LOL. Reached, used laptop. like 5pm my bro started pestering me to go down and play badminton with him. Super irritated. tsk. Got irritated with bro& aunt telling me to go down and exercise, dont keep using laptop. Wthell, i exercise like 3 days a week-.-x ahma tell her i always got netball, very tired[: *loves* in th end, went down with him lor. When uncle koh, auntie connie& hongwei came over. i was blogging halfway, gosh. Perspired, dinner and here, i am, blogging:D
LONG POST! paiseh, i very naggy one :X
you are our rainbow
shine up our sky
you are our star
light up our path
Th class flag for teachers day:D
Me& Naz:D
In th toilet.Tahira!
Me& Marilyn:D
Free Maple in library.
-YVONNE: BOOO! my beloved bestie narhs ; exam over we go have FUN kie? xD ILY toos. study hard ah! dunnoe how do think of us. add oil for ue :l
; Bestie:D Yeah, have funn! i love you all luhs! My bottle of oil full lerhhs[: no need refill for next exam(: will study hard de! you must jiayou too! monday last paper! ALL THE BEST!
Jiaen: HUISI ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAM :D , go out together after exam okay? me ,you&yvonne :D I (L) YOU ! :D
; Thankks:D No need jiayou already;D full lerhhs! okay xD! ily too!
; Heyy HOTSTUFF:D im not cute luh! Thanks for tagg ya! ILOVEYOU TOO! <3>
-YVONNE: ฉันรักคุณ , thai word nehsxz . haha. mean ILOVEYOU
; ฉันรักคุณ TOO! haha!
Jiaen: H
Jiaen: ELLO :F
Jiaen: :D
Jiaen: I (L) YOU!
; HELLO! [[: I(L) YOU TOO!
yonglin: gd luck fer ur tests
; Thankks:D!
sweehar: helloooo. (; love ur cls the cloth drawingg. lol._. anw, u wwun fail geo de lar! i tad time geo = 1/15. isnt tad 'great'? -.- i tink lowest in LVL sia.. -.-
; heyyo! thanks! Is jiamei draw de! haha, i hope wont also. 1/15:O no luh, my class have 1 person(idk who) got 0.5/15!
; HELLO DEAREST JIE! thankkks!
Jiajin//' <3:>
; Hey! Thankks! i think i flunked my science):
Tracy: Nice song =D
; Thanks((:
Bella: heyheys!! no needa feel guilty=]=] i'll still love you=]=] (L)!!
Bella: wheeet wheeet!! although today go out not really lie.. high high..but i had fun=]=] (L) (L) !!
; :D *loves* haha,i had fun too! (L)
-YVONNE: HI! bestie , [; ii monday laast paper luhr. woohooo ~
; Gooddd:D 加油 bestie!
Jiaen: HUISI , Must have confidence with yourself okay? MUST TRY YOUR VERY BEST :D , feel free to ask me questions or what next time :)
; :DD thankyou JIAEN(L) okay! i will de[:
Tahira: haiis, like that lazy qqohs uur bloq liaos le .
; ? what's wrong? *groans*
felly: oioioi tagggggggg you le ! tag me okay !
; HAHA, okay luh.
hongwei: haha. finally test over le. can relax le. hehe. tc!
; ((: Yeahh! LOL, uu tc too!
Jianyingg(:: SIAN LORH! today u nv go :(
; Haha, another day lor:DD
-Byebye earthlinqqs!
im exam-free! whee~ good luck to Yvonne bestie for Monday's paper yeah!
Okay, talk about recent things happening yeah.
Thursday Before sleeping at 1.15am, sms-ed Yvonne bestie:D she pei me cos she also have exam(: Being a stupid, last-min revision person, i revised till 1.15am okay. LOL, geog sucks): So, maths was th easiest among th 4 paper! i never say it's easy hor!:DD Geog.. screwed it. heck. Netball after sku. Training sucked. Coach was being damn strict-.-x scoldings were inevitable. wdv luhs. Did steps and ran in th field for 5 sets and i was half-dead after that :X yeah, stamina sucks. Coach said after SA2, we'll be heading for stadiums. Run there, steps there and training obviously held there-.- sigh. She say we're luckier than last year's sec1s. Like whatever. Injured finger. Towards th ending of training, my finger was alright alr but coach didnt let me defend cos she said my hands were not there to defend. But, nevermind[: can slack:D Home-d and wasnt feeling quite well. Was damn tired after walking home, carrying textbooks, practical book and workbook home to revise. Had slight fever, stomachache and headache)): Bro said i over-worked. Mum said i lack of water. I think i overworked too and lack of sleep :X. Netball like 2-3 times per week.And, Netball is not like choir or infocomm, almost all day in air-con room, slack lor. Haha, maybe im not for sports? Dunno luhs. Fell asleep almost immediately when i reached home-.- Woke up an hour later, bathed and dinnered with no appetite. Couldnt finish dinner which mum claimed was little. Revised Science.. Conference-ed with Jiaen(L) and Yvonne(L). Jiaen use same Science textbook as me! We both had science exam on th same day, having pressure and force in both our papers;D Slept at 11pm or so.):
Friday On th way to sku, Jiaen wished me luck and sent me nice messages:D i love her luh! Eng paper was do-able. I suck at english, so no high hopes. recess didnt eat though i was hungry. Studieddd. I FLUNKED SCIENCE D:I somehow dislike sci now.Samuel cannot teach man, continue having her as my cher, i might fail EOY sci): she spend most of her time lecturing lor. tsk. We were supposed to have art luh, then we went to Art room, no cher[expected] then, i pull felicia along, we go General Office, th staff say supposed to have a cher called mr lim. tell me to bring th class up to classroom and 1 of us go staff room find him. Felicia went SR and when i was otw back to art room, th class was going up alr. So, just go lor. Felicia came back soon after. Mr lim came in and he let us have free-period. He say cannot stand up, then Melissa wanted to shift her seat back and she was having difficulties-.- me, tahira, sonia & felicia kept laughing-.-x i know that we cannot use handphone in class.. I listened to music though. Heh, i put on earphone on my left ear and put my head on th table:D Kelsey teach me one. Haha, 2 chairmans showing bad example :X Chinese had test AGAIN. pfft. Had sihan test.. Was alright. Maths was slack.Ms Loo kinda scolded me, Tahira, Melissa& Felicia for making too much noise. Heh, i know luh, we always laughing one o.o Then. Ms Loo after sku say APART FROM ME, th 3 of them have to pay more attention in class, have to work hard. tsk, my studies not good lor, why APART FROM ME-.-
After sku, went library cos they said they wanted all chairmans to go library for some teachers day crap. Then, th irresponsible cher, went for LUNCH. wtheck?.. waited for her like 15min or so. She came up, ask if still got anyone still wants to order th coffeebean thing-.- dont want or order le, can go. WTHELLLL. waste time seyy. Bused to cold storage to find sonia, felicia& tahira. Bought chips.. This weird guy came over when we were at th busstop cos Melissa wash her hands with water from waterbottle at th busstop-.- he say later people think we pee. tsk. HE PEE LUH. went back sku. I didnt know i would be going back sku, then i carry my bag with me. zzz. Went canteen and was reading Felicia's teenage mag.Went up classroom and th GirlGuiders went to change, we went back library to take their bags and went down. melissa went outside sku to get something from her Mum. Soon after, Bella called me and i took my bag, felicia accompanied me to gate there Went busstop, Bella came, 14-ed to Bedok inter:D otw there, we took th same bus as Jamie& some of her frens who adore SHAWN too:DD [some] THEY SAY SHAWN'S CUTE AND I TOTALLY AGREE LUH! 1 girl wanted Shawn's pictures from Bella but had to alight. Headed to Macs 1st to get lunch. Then to library. I was reading Bella's school diary:D lol. super lifeless lor. She revising her maths and writing mahs formula down[: so guai lor. Hahaas. Went hangten to buy her bag& watsons to buy her lipice cos her lips very dry. 38-ed home. Super no appetite for dinner)): vomitted and had slight fever]]: didnt help in NEmation project. sorry junwei, giresh& kelsey yeah): slept at 8.30pm or so.
OHYA, today was supposed to go out with Yvonne& Jiaen one. But Yvonne mum dont allow cos she say today have evil spirits or dunno what come out. ANOTHER DAY:D
Saturdayy[today] Woke up at 9.30am? Didnt want to get off bed so i started reading Chicken Soup which was by my bed(: Decided to get up at 11am or so. Tv-ed and bathed. Left home for lunch at th opp block. Rained and decided to cab to aunt house with dad, ahma& ryan. Jack was at tuition and mum went to fetch him. *BAM* my head hit th cab when i was getting in-.-x wthell luhs. Haha! so clumsyyy)): pain okay. haha. me& bro kept listening to musci and singing in th cab-.- pity th cab driver& my dad. ahma always have to hear me& bro singing at home. LOL. Reached, used laptop. like 5pm my bro started pestering me to go down and play badminton with him. Super irritated. tsk. Got irritated with bro& aunt telling me to go down and exercise, dont keep using laptop. Wthell, i exercise like 3 days a week-.-x ahma tell her i always got netball, very tired[: *loves* in th end, went down with him lor. When uncle koh, auntie connie& hongwei came over. i was blogging halfway, gosh. Perspired, dinner and here, i am, blogging:D
LONG POST! paiseh, i very naggy one :X
shine up our sky
light up our path
-YVONNE: BOOO! my beloved bestie narhs ; exam over we go have FUN kie? xD ILY toos. study hard ah! dunnoe how do think of us. add oil for ue :l
; Bestie:D Yeah, have funn! i love you all luhs! My bottle of oil full lerhhs[: no need refill for next exam(: will study hard de! you must jiayou too! monday last paper! ALL THE BEST!
Jiaen: HUISI ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAM :D , go out together after exam okay? me ,you&yvonne :D I (L) YOU ! :D
; Thankks:D No need jiayou already;D full lerhhs! okay xD! ily too!
; Heyy HOTSTUFF:D im not cute luh! Thanks for tagg ya! ILOVEYOU TOO! <3>
-YVONNE: ฉันรักคุณ , thai word nehsxz . haha. mean ILOVEYOU
; ฉันรักคุณ TOO! haha!
Jiaen: H
Jiaen: ELLO :F
Jiaen: :D
Jiaen: I (L) YOU!
; HELLO! [[: I(L) YOU TOO!
yonglin: gd luck fer ur tests
; Thankks:D!
sweehar: helloooo. (; love ur cls the cloth drawingg. lol._. anw, u wwun fail geo de lar! i tad time geo = 1/15. isnt tad 'great'? -.- i tink lowest in LVL sia.. -.-
; heyyo! thanks! Is jiamei draw de! haha, i hope wont also. 1/15:O no luh, my class have 1 person(idk who) got 0.5/15!
; HELLO DEAREST JIE! thankkks!
Jiajin//' <3:>
; Hey! Thankks! i think i flunked my science):
Tracy: Nice song =D
; Thanks((:
Bella: heyheys!! no needa feel guilty=]=] i'll still love you=]=] (L)!!
Bella: wheeet wheeet!! although today go out not really lie.. high high..but i had fun=]=] (L) (L) !!
; :D *loves* haha,i had fun too! (L)
-YVONNE: HI! bestie , [; ii monday laast paper luhr. woohooo ~
; Gooddd:D 加油 bestie!
Jiaen: HUISI , Must have confidence with yourself okay? MUST TRY YOUR VERY BEST :D , feel free to ask me questions or what next time :)
; :DD thankyou JIAEN(L) okay! i will de[:
Tahira: haiis, like that lazy qqohs uur bloq liaos le .
; ? what's wrong? *groans*
felly: oioioi tagggggggg you le ! tag me okay !
; HAHA, okay luh.
hongwei: haha. finally test over le. can relax le. hehe. tc!
; ((: Yeahh! LOL, uu tc too!
Jianyingg(:: SIAN LORH! today u nv go :(
; Haha, another day lor:DD
-Byebye earthlinqqs!
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