had interclass. Expected, we lost.
Left at 5.35pm or so. Cos we know sure not in le.
Went cold storage there with eli darling and felicia les partner.
Bought drink at cold storage and went ronalds’ eat apple strudel :D
*drools* nicenice!
was nothing interesting. Had netball training. Did steps and defence skills.
Kelsey dear’s leg got ‘poked’ by a torn. She was alright soon after.
Rained and we played in water. Didn’t really play cos didn’t want to fall sick.
Mdm Su came down and we had no choice but to continue training. No mood luhs.
Went school gym, Mdm Su wanted us to do treadmills.
In th end, ii did other stuff and 1min of treadmills, 2seniors came in and
Mdm Su told them to let us train-.-
We did steps again. ii dun like steps lor. Sian. Blahblah.
Reach home at 7.15pm cos bus was late.
Went sentosa with Devin, Yvonne, Jianying, Jiaen and Bella!
Woke up at 7.15am when Bella called.
Went back into room and lie on bed :X haha.
7.30am got up, brushed teeth and bathed.
Left house at 8am when ii was supposed to meet Bella at 8.15am at Tanah merah.
Was late :X On th train, Jiaen called and say that she at cck
and Yvonne haven’t meet her. So we were earliest lor.
Reached Habourfront at 9am.
Went in Vivo, bought bread to eat. Bella ate at foodcourt.
Went up playground there cos Yvonne& Jiaen haven’t come.
Play for awhile, around 10am,Jiaen sms-ed and say they eating at toastbox.
Went down to find them. They done,
we went Candy Empire, Devin& Jianying came at 11am or so. 9,10,11! LOL.
Took skyline to Sentosa[: entrance fee $3 only.
Went beach station 1st and went beach la, DUH.
Took skyride and Lugeride:D nice nice! But Jiaen fell):
When we were at th beach, Bella’s mum called and she had to go home]:
1.30pm only leh! Wthell. Sadd.
Saw turtles when we were around th underwater world.
We didn’t go in cos very ex!
Went Imbiah lookout and took th tiger skytower
Was simply a waste of $.
Hahaas. Nvm. Sad thing is that almost whole day raining]:
supposed to suntan, become raintan {: hahaa!
Nehmind, had a great day! Left sentosa and went back Vivo.
Played Arcade and Jiaen fell again}:
when we were walking to arcade on th slippery floor. My fault ii think!
ii was holding her leh, then she still fell.. sian. Arcade was nice[:
then, devin that rich guy, go withdraw money. Went for dinner.
Something happened regarding Jiaen]: Yvonne still haven’t forgive her leh.
Jiaen smsed Yvonne like whole night 20msgs, she never reply.
Jiaen smsed me ask me if ii still friend her, ii also never reply.
She sure emo de lor. Nvm, don’t want talk about it.
but jiaen left abruptly when we were having dinner.
Never say bye, just take her bag and walk off.
Me, Jianying, Yvonne and Devin looked at each other.
They say don’t care so, heck lor. Then, decided to go home.
Trained to outram with Jianying, Yvonne and Devin.
Jianying continued journey to dhoby ghaut then change to red-line.
Devin and Yvonne also take green line but diff direction.
Thanks Yvonne& Devin for waiting for train with me!
ii 8.35pm on train leh, then at bedok that time,
a smrt staff called and say that ii dropped my wallet,
some kind soul picked up and returned it at serangoon-.-x
wthell luh. So unlucky sia. So, trained back to outram and to serangoon lor.
No choice): tsktsk. So, in th end, ii took 40 stops CONTINUOSLY!
Never get out of mrt stations :X sian can.
But Jianying, Yonglin& Yvonne sms me pei me:D thanks a lot(:
reached home at 11pm. Late can! Bathed, used laptop and slept at 12.30am.
woke up at 9am :} lie on bed and tried going back sleep.
Got up at 10am, brushed teeth and watched tv.
11am bathed and used laptop. went out at 1pm or so.
Lunched and went aunt’s house. Used laptop till now.
Heh xD Having Pizzahut for dinner:DD
Crap, ii haven’t do eng homework! Shit. Die die. Later do!
At beach

At Vivo

Skyride& Luge

Sky tower


dont ue think Devin & Yvonne look like couple? :X dont worry, ii know what ue 2 are trying to do:D
Tag replies:D!
Jiajin//' <3:I wont get full marks de lor! haha. Jy for tmr's inter-class floorball!:D
To: Haha, who says so! Work hard luh[: Haha, we lost leh :X
IsabellaKOH: Hello Huisu! Chio bu : D Hahah take care!
To: Hello Isabella Chiobu! Tc too[:
-YVONNE: bestie , ue mux take goood care of urself horhs. all the best for ur tourament . gooood luck kie. TC ^^! *LOVES&MISSES aloads*
To: bestie, ue too:D haha, lost th tournament :X thanks for th luck! Haha, love you!
sweehar: HELLOO:D! hehe, feliciachin is so chio cans! haha. xD u cant be more dirtyminded as compared to me and my cls partner. ((: we're sickkk! ((: guess wad we talk in cls LOL. anw, *tagged*" tc CHIOBU!
To: Heyhey, yeah lor! haha, im sickk too :X LOL. ii guess we talk about th same thing in class(: thanks for tag! tc too, im NOT chio!
JIAWEI: hellos laopo♥ you rock wors ! :D
To: Hello wifey♥ you rock more! :D
!SONIA: basket luhh you. took my photo. sheesh. D: ure posts are sooo long, dun wanna continure reading liaos. hahas. boob.
To: Hahaha! im a great potographer. TH FUTURE PHOTOGRAPHER, dream on. HAHA! boob-.-
SHERYL: HELLO GIRLIE :D how are you man!
-YVONNE: BESTIE BESTIE , dun wei le me ue cried okays. *wipe ur tear away* CHEEEER UP
To: Bestie:D okay luh[: im alright luhr!
Jiaen: CHEER UPXZ! (L)! Dunt think too much okays ?!? :D
To: Im alright[: yeah.
Bella;sweetheart: heyhos! thanks for helping me blog=]=] and i owe you many tags hor!! one day one tag..remember our promise?? hee=]=] tcs and loves=]
To: Heyho[: np babe! ya lor xD yes yes, ii rmb! tc too! *LOVES*
Kelsey :D: Dearrrieee♥ , RoCKON ! (:
To: Dearrrrrriee! ue rock on too chio♥
Jiajin//' <3:>Meimeii!!:D taggg! takecares!
To: Kor:D ty for tag! takecares,
Bella;sweetheart: thanks thanks for today deee FUN=] :D
Bella;sweetheart: I want photos!! thanks for today ah=]] i had looootsaa fun=] and thanks for your shorts XD will return to you asap=]
To: Npnp[: okay okay. haha. ii had lotsa fun too! welcomed. okay,take ure time ba(:
sweehar: Cutie! tagged to do a quiz! <3
To: Hey, im NOT cute luh! okay, do it some day :X
Byebye((: -x0x0-
had interclass. Expected, we lost.
Left at 5.35pm or so. Cos we know sure not in le.
Went cold storage there with eli darling and felicia les partner.
Bought drink at cold storage and went ronalds’ eat apple strudel :D
*drools* nicenice!
was nothing interesting. Had netball training. Did steps and defence skills.
Kelsey dear’s leg got ‘poked’ by a torn. She was alright soon after.
Rained and we played in water. Didn’t really play cos didn’t want to fall sick.
Mdm Su came down and we had no choice but to continue training. No mood luhs.
Went school gym, Mdm Su wanted us to do treadmills.
In th end, ii did other stuff and 1min of treadmills, 2seniors came in and
Mdm Su told them to let us train-.-
We did steps again. ii dun like steps lor. Sian. Blahblah.
Reach home at 7.15pm cos bus was late.
Went sentosa with Devin, Yvonne, Jianying, Jiaen and Bella!
Woke up at 7.15am when Bella called.
Went back into room and lie on bed :X haha.
7.30am got up, brushed teeth and bathed.
Left house at 8am when ii was supposed to meet Bella at 8.15am at Tanah merah.
Was late :X On th train, Jiaen called and say that she at cck
and Yvonne haven’t meet her. So we were earliest lor.
Reached Habourfront at 9am.
Went in Vivo, bought bread to eat. Bella ate at foodcourt.
Went up playground there cos Yvonne& Jiaen haven’t come.
Play for awhile, around 10am,Jiaen sms-ed and say they eating at toastbox.
Went down to find them. They done,
we went Candy Empire, Devin& Jianying came at 11am or so. 9,10,11! LOL.
Took skyline to Sentosa[: entrance fee $3 only.
Went beach station 1st and went beach la, DUH.
Took skyride and Lugeride:D nice nice! But Jiaen fell):
When we were at th beach, Bella’s mum called and she had to go home]:
1.30pm only leh! Wthell. Sadd.
Saw turtles when we were around th underwater world.
We didn’t go in cos very ex!
Went Imbiah lookout and took th tiger skytower
Was simply a waste of $.
Hahaas. Nvm. Sad thing is that almost whole day raining]:
supposed to suntan, become raintan {: hahaa!
Nehmind, had a great day! Left sentosa and went back Vivo.
Played Arcade and Jiaen fell again}:
when we were walking to arcade on th slippery floor. My fault ii think!
ii was holding her leh, then she still fell.. sian. Arcade was nice[:
then, devin that rich guy, go withdraw money. Went for dinner.
Something happened regarding Jiaen]: Yvonne still haven’t forgive her leh.
Jiaen smsed Yvonne like whole night 20msgs, she never reply.
Jiaen smsed me ask me if ii still friend her, ii also never reply.
She sure emo de lor. Nvm, don’t want talk about it.
but jiaen left abruptly when we were having dinner.
Never say bye, just take her bag and walk off.
Me, Jianying, Yvonne and Devin looked at each other.
They say don’t care so, heck lor. Then, decided to go home.
Trained to outram with Jianying, Yvonne and Devin.
Jianying continued journey to dhoby ghaut then change to red-line.
Devin and Yvonne also take green line but diff direction.
Thanks Yvonne& Devin for waiting for train with me!
ii 8.35pm on train leh, then at bedok that time,
a smrt staff called and say that ii dropped my wallet,
some kind soul picked up and returned it at serangoon-.-x
wthell luh. So unlucky sia. So, trained back to outram and to serangoon lor.
No choice): tsktsk. So, in th end, ii took 40 stops CONTINUOSLY!
Never get out of mrt stations :X sian can.
But Jianying, Yonglin& Yvonne sms me pei me:D thanks a lot(:
reached home at 11pm. Late can! Bathed, used laptop and slept at 12.30am.
woke up at 9am :} lie on bed and tried going back sleep.
Got up at 10am, brushed teeth and watched tv.
11am bathed and used laptop. went out at 1pm or so.
Lunched and went aunt’s house. Used laptop till now.
Heh xD Having Pizzahut for dinner:DD
Crap, ii haven’t do eng homework! Shit. Die die. Later do!
At beach
At Vivo
Skyride& Luge
Sky tower
dont ue think Devin & Yvonne look like couple? :X dont worry, ii know what ue 2 are trying to do:D
Tag replies:D!
Jiajin//' <3:I wont get full marks de lor! haha. Jy for tmr's inter-class floorball!:D
To: Haha, who says so! Work hard luh[: Haha, we lost leh :X
IsabellaKOH: Hello Huisu! Chio bu : D Hahah take care!
To: Hello Isabella Chiobu! Tc too[:
-YVONNE: bestie , ue mux take goood care of urself horhs. all the best for ur tourament . gooood luck kie. TC ^^! *LOVES&MISSES aloads*
To: bestie, ue too:D haha, lost th tournament :X thanks for th luck! Haha, love you!
sweehar: HELLOO:D! hehe, feliciachin is so chio cans! haha. xD u cant be more dirtyminded as compared to me and my cls partner. ((: we're sickkk! ((: guess wad we talk in cls LOL. anw, *tagged*" tc CHIOBU!
To: Heyhey, yeah lor! haha, im sickk too :X LOL. ii guess we talk about th same thing in class(: thanks for tag! tc too, im NOT chio!
JIAWEI: hellos laopo♥ you rock wors ! :D
To: Hello wifey♥ you rock more! :D
!SONIA: basket luhh you. took my photo. sheesh. D: ure posts are sooo long, dun wanna continure reading liaos. hahas. boob.
To: Hahaha! im a great potographer. TH FUTURE PHOTOGRAPHER, dream on. HAHA! boob-.-
SHERYL: HELLO GIRLIE :D how are you man!
-YVONNE: BESTIE BESTIE , dun wei le me ue cried okays. *wipe ur tear away* CHEEEER UP
To: Bestie:D okay luh[: im alright luhr!
Jiaen: CHEER UPXZ! (L)! Dunt think too much okays ?!? :D
To: Im alright[: yeah.
Bella;sweetheart: heyhos! thanks for helping me blog=]=] and i owe you many tags hor!! one day one tag..remember our promise?? hee=]=] tcs and loves=]
To: Heyho[: np babe! ya lor xD yes yes, ii rmb! tc too! *LOVES*
Kelsey :D: Dearrrieee♥ , RoCKON ! (:
To: Dearrrrrriee! ue rock on too chio♥
Jiajin//' <3:>Meimeii!!:D taggg! takecares!
To: Kor:D ty for tag! takecares,
Bella;sweetheart: thanks thanks for today deee FUN=] :D
Bella;sweetheart: I want photos!! thanks for today ah=]] i had looootsaa fun=] and thanks for your shorts XD will return to you asap=]
To: Npnp[: okay okay. haha. ii had lotsa fun too! welcomed. okay,take ure time ba(:
sweehar: Cutie! tagged to do a quiz! <3
To: Hey, im NOT cute luh! okay, do it some day :X
Byebye((: -x0x0-
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