Assembled in th classroom today cos hall used for N levels if im not wrong[:
Marked attendance-.-x AIMAN LATE:D Giresh scolded 4 girls& 4 boys cos they talked-.- I LAUGHED AT HIM WHEN HE GAVE ME THAT *omg, they're childish* LOOK. lol luh.
Science I freaking didnt get my test paper signed-. Reason being my mum didnt want to sign and she asked me to give my dad. He'll scream at me luh-.- tsk. dont give a damn. Mrs Samuel moodswings again. oohyaa, i got 25/40 okay-.- omfg.
Recess ate siewmaiii:D LOL,*inside joke*.
Geog Was supposed to have test but cher didn’t want. So in th end, didn’t have luhs[: Mrs Hawazi was disappointed cos half of th class failed th recent test which will entirely be depended on for our CA2 exams! My gosh. I got 22.5/35! :O *bawls* darn it man. And, Melissa’s super irritating can. Kindaa bitch. She kept asking for me& Felicia’s marks but we didn’t want to tell her but we told her we got very low. I was very pissed off with her when she kept asking, I shouted at her “Eh Melissa, I know u got very high marks luh. Can don’t go around asking people for their marks or not! Very kaypoh leh.” And she went “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” She has done it a lot of times alr lor. THEN, I borrowed her caluculator to check how much I scored upon 100. SHE BLOODY TOOK TH CALCULATOR AND CHECKED TH HISTORY THING AND TOLD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, SHOWED SONIA, LAYKOON& SOME OTERS MY MARKS SAYING “ehh! Huisi’s marks leh!” damn pissed with her can.
Mother Tongue had tingxie. Studied:D then went through textbook.
Lit Did village by th sea text. Boringgggggggg. Kept talking :X
Eng Some people did their SOAR presentation.
After sku, changed and headed to tidbits connection. Ate and slacked there before heading back to sku for training. Saw M smoking.. He’s 13 only luh.. Sian. I keep thinking about it lor. Among those people ii know, he’s th youngest that smokes. THIRTEEN leh. His future ruined already luh-.- He told me his bro 13 years old smoke, he also. His bro 16 years old sniff glue, he beat his record, 13 years old sniff glue le. I WAS LIKE WTHELL LUH. Tahira said “Want to fight for record, go for guiness world record luh!” ii cried can-.- kns. Not that he’s very close to me or what but I’ve known him since PRIMARY3. 2004,2005,2006,2007& 2008. 5 years being friends, 13 years old, smoking& sniffing glue. Sigh... ii told him to quit. He said he will when he’s 18 years old. ii thought that no hope alr. Kelsey say gone case. Th thing ii don’t believe is ii cried-.-x tsk. I ASKED M “ Hey, uu want to go to jail is it?” He gave me a damn shocking reply. He said “ Ya, that’s what im planning to do.” ii also think gone case already luh. He following his elder bro’s footsteps. He has 1 younger bro in P1. Hope it wont happen to him]: ii don’t want to see M ruining he’s own future luh. He got caught by Mr.Wilbert for smoking before okay. He wrote reflections but it didn’t help]: Tried to throw that packet of cigarettes away but to no avail. Jialiang[TPS de] & him smoking in th playground. Later police come, die lor. I didn’t want to care anymore. Left for sku]]: no matter what I say, it wont help, so what’s th point man. ii confess I think like him, want to die earlier. But I don’t smoke okay. I don’t want to leave in pain having probs with my health.
Beofre training, th kiasu me, went to find Ms Loo to ask for my maths marks. Helped Felicia asked too[: She got 35/40. Grats! I got Full marks:DD *Pats own back* LOL. Tahira got 38/40! She’s happy she beat Melissa& Laykoon. Lol lah.
Netball was kinda slack. Coach didn’t come cos her sku P6 prelims. Did usual stuff did in training. Fell again-.-x AT TH SAME SPOT SIAA. Ms Clumsy heree[: Th thing is ii rubbed my knee on th floor when I fell in th netball court which has a rough surface. Then, th wound which was caused by th fall ytd, sort of got rubbed off onto th ground. *looks at wound* now can see th flesh :X eeeew right. Yeah, haha. Thanks Azra sexy for th plaster! Thanks Marilyn& Ashley for helping me wash my wound:D Thanks those who showed concern! Talked and Tahira entertained us[: she kept dancing & Ham caught her in action:DD haha. She dancing, ham came out and tell us it’s time to go hom-.-x spoiler siaaa. LOL, waite for bus 10 with Marilyn, Tahira& Kelsey.
Reached home at 7pm or so. Bathed, dinner and laptop((:Tmrw no sku! E-learning day. Like normal sku day lor. Wthells.. Nevermind[: got excuse to chat on msn^^ heh xD
Ohyaa, GRATS to 1C boys for getting 1st in inter-class floorball! thurs will be girls turn:D
Sonia eating:D
Kelsey& Tahira eating 1 sweet!
Random. Ball in th air.
Jiawei's show & tell turtle:D
1st time fall th wound.
Assembled in th classroom today cos hall used for N levels if im not wrong[:
Marked attendance-.-x AIMAN LATE:D Giresh scolded 4 girls& 4 boys cos they talked-.- I LAUGHED AT HIM WHEN HE GAVE ME THAT *omg, they're childish* LOOK. lol luh.
Science I freaking didnt get my test paper signed-. Reason being my mum didnt want to sign and she asked me to give my dad. He'll scream at me luh-.- tsk. dont give a damn. Mrs Samuel moodswings again. oohyaa, i got 25/40 okay-.- omfg.
Recess ate siewmaiii:D LOL,*inside joke*.
Geog Was supposed to have test but cher didn’t want. So in th end, didn’t have luhs[: Mrs Hawazi was disappointed cos half of th class failed th recent test which will entirely be depended on for our CA2 exams! My gosh. I got 22.5/35! :O *bawls* darn it man. And, Melissa’s super irritating can. Kindaa bitch. She kept asking for me& Felicia’s marks but we didn’t want to tell her but we told her we got very low. I was very pissed off with her when she kept asking, I shouted at her “Eh Melissa, I know u got very high marks luh. Can don’t go around asking people for their marks or not! Very kaypoh leh.” And she went “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” She has done it a lot of times alr lor. THEN, I borrowed her caluculator to check how much I scored upon 100. SHE BLOODY TOOK TH CALCULATOR AND CHECKED TH HISTORY THING AND TOLD RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, SHOWED SONIA, LAYKOON& SOME OTERS MY MARKS SAYING “ehh! Huisi’s marks leh!” damn pissed with her can.
Mother Tongue had tingxie. Studied:D then went through textbook.
Lit Did village by th sea text. Boringgggggggg. Kept talking :X
Eng Some people did their SOAR presentation.
After sku, changed and headed to tidbits connection. Ate and slacked there before heading back to sku for training. Saw M smoking.. He’s 13 only luh.. Sian. I keep thinking about it lor. Among those people ii know, he’s th youngest that smokes. THIRTEEN leh. His future ruined already luh-.- He told me his bro 13 years old smoke, he also. His bro 16 years old sniff glue, he beat his record, 13 years old sniff glue le. I WAS LIKE WTHELL LUH. Tahira said “Want to fight for record, go for guiness world record luh!” ii cried can-.- kns. Not that he’s very close to me or what but I’ve known him since PRIMARY3. 2004,2005,2006,2007& 2008. 5 years being friends, 13 years old, smoking& sniffing glue. Sigh... ii told him to quit. He said he will when he’s 18 years old. ii thought that no hope alr. Kelsey say gone case. Th thing ii don’t believe is ii cried-.-x tsk. I ASKED M “ Hey, uu want to go to jail is it?” He gave me a damn shocking reply. He said “ Ya, that’s what im planning to do.” ii also think gone case already luh. He following his elder bro’s footsteps. He has 1 younger bro in P1. Hope it wont happen to him]: ii don’t want to see M ruining he’s own future luh. He got caught by Mr.Wilbert for smoking before okay. He wrote reflections but it didn’t help]: Tried to throw that packet of cigarettes away but to no avail. Jialiang[TPS de] & him smoking in th playground. Later police come, die lor. I didn’t want to care anymore. Left for sku]]: no matter what I say, it wont help, so what’s th point man. ii confess I think like him, want to die earlier. But I don’t smoke okay. I don’t want to leave in pain having probs with my health.
Beofre training, th kiasu me, went to find Ms Loo to ask for my maths marks. Helped Felicia asked too[: She got 35/40. Grats! I got Full marks:DD *Pats own back* LOL. Tahira got 38/40! She’s happy she beat Melissa& Laykoon. Lol lah.
Netball was kinda slack. Coach didn’t come cos her sku P6 prelims. Did usual stuff did in training. Fell again-.-x AT TH SAME SPOT SIAA. Ms Clumsy heree[: Th thing is ii rubbed my knee on th floor when I fell in th netball court which has a rough surface. Then, th wound which was caused by th fall ytd, sort of got rubbed off onto th ground. *looks at wound* now can see th flesh :X eeeew right. Yeah, haha. Thanks Azra sexy for th plaster! Thanks Marilyn& Ashley for helping me wash my wound:D Thanks those who showed concern! Talked and Tahira entertained us[: she kept dancing & Ham caught her in action:DD haha. She dancing, ham came out and tell us it’s time to go hom-.-x spoiler siaaa. LOL, waite for bus 10 with Marilyn, Tahira& Kelsey.
Reached home at 7pm or so. Bathed, dinner and laptop((:Tmrw no sku! E-learning day. Like normal sku day lor. Wthells.. Nevermind[: got excuse to chat on msn^^ heh xD
Ohyaa, GRATS to 1C boys for getting 1st in inter-class floorball! thurs will be girls turn:D
-Bye! `HUISI:D
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