School sucks.
3 more days:DD LOL.
Woke up at 9am in th morning and went Tanah Mearh to meet Sonia and Jessica. Went bugis cos Jessica bday coming and her godbro treat her to movie. Went bugis street to walk walk before going for movie. watched Batman; dark night. was okay lor. idk how to appreciate :O haha. Jessica keep kena shocked :O Lol, she 'jumps' backwards-.- HAHA. bought smth for Tania and train-ed to Tanah Mearh. Met JoYi and Peizhen. Train-ed to airport and spent time with Tania): Lunch was Macs:Dnicefattening)): anw, i must congratulate myself leh:D i never cry in front of Tania! She went in then i cry-.- i hold back my tears leh[: then Joyi tell me to cry my hearts out. So, i did :X then Peizhen keep looking at me-.- on th train back to Tanah Merah, Tania called leh): she tell me to tell everybody to take care. How sweet! Glad to have her as my friend! ilh, imh! Sigh. Homed after that.
Sku was alright.. PE was frisbee and Science, Mrs Samuel have moodswings again-.- starting of th lesson, she gave us sweets. say want to reward us. then, she scold us-.- zzz. idk what's wrong with her man. Lol. she used to be my fav cher-.- now is Ms Loo:D skipskipskip. CCM was lame-.- played Truth or Dare and Heart Attack.was super bored. After CCM, had netball Self-training. This senior called Marilyn from sec3 joined us and wow, she can throw from like 1 end of th court to th other! LOL. i only can 1/3 lor! HAHA.
Science; Mrs Samuel was in bad mood-.- Did experiment. She kept shouting like nobody's business.
Recess; ate with some peepos.
Geog; Was super bored and started sms-ing :O hah. copied alot of stuff was all i rmb :P
Mother Tongue; Still sms-ing :P found out i got 28/35 for recent test. (i told my mum and she was not satisfied-.- i dont know what to do to make her happy. she said i got very low.)
Literature; Read village by th sea book and i fell asleep :X i woke up upon hearing Mdm Yasmin's voice saying- 'HuiSi! Dont sleep in class!' tsk. LOL. found out had to do groupwork and i didnt know what on earth was going on-.- SORRY FELICIAAA)): dont get too stressed up alright.
English; Passed up th recording thing.
Netball; Was hell-.- starting of th training only, coach made us do 5sets of steps+ runs. EVERYBODY was like perspiring like mad. Some was complaining( me also) HAHA. steps got 4 variations and runs were in th field. No cutting of edges someore, pfft. then did ball works and stuff. Court work and training ended with 2 sets of suicides(or wtv u spell it).
Home. I seriosuly think my bros suck much. they on my laptop and couldnt figure out my password. they didnt off it okay-.- HOW STUPID. waste my battery only. Bros keep shouting and fighting-.- Ryan threw things at me when i didnt want to let him use my laptop. Zzz. i learn to forgive and forget :D but they really have to grow up la!
Marilyn:D blur :X
Peizhen:D she's damn cute i tell you! HAH.
Sonia, Joyi, Peizhen and me(:
Peizhen and Jessica!
Zilian:O [[edited one]]
LOL. Peizhen very lady leh.
Jessica. Candid.
After she found out i candid-ed her:D LOL.
Peizhen. Candid.
Woke up at 9am in th morning and went Tanah Mearh to meet Sonia and Jessica. Went bugis cos Jessica bday coming and her godbro treat her to movie. Went bugis street to walk walk before going for movie. watched Batman; dark night. was okay lor. idk how to appreciate :O haha. Jessica keep kena shocked :O Lol, she 'jumps' backwards-.- HAHA. bought smth for Tania and train-ed to Tanah Mearh. Met JoYi and Peizhen. Train-ed to airport and spent time with Tania): Lunch was Macs:D
Sku was alright.. PE was frisbee and Science, Mrs Samuel have moodswings again-.- starting of th lesson, she gave us sweets. say want to reward us. then, she scold us-.- zzz. idk what's wrong with her man. Lol. she used to be my fav cher-.- now is Ms Loo:D skipskipskip. CCM was lame-.- played Truth or Dare and Heart Attack.was super bored. After CCM, had netball Self-training. This senior called Marilyn from sec3 joined us and wow, she can throw from like 1 end of th court to th other! LOL. i only can 1/3 lor! HAHA.
Science; Mrs Samuel was in bad mood-.- Did experiment. She kept shouting like nobody's business.
Recess; ate with some peepos.
Geog; Was super bored and started sms-ing :O hah. copied alot of stuff was all i rmb :P
Mother Tongue; Still sms-ing :P found out i got 28/35 for recent test. (i told my mum and she was not satisfied-.- i dont know what to do to make her happy. she said i got very low.)
Literature; Read village by th sea book and i fell asleep :X i woke up upon hearing Mdm Yasmin's voice saying- 'HuiSi! Dont sleep in class!' tsk. LOL. found out had to do groupwork and i didnt know what on earth was going on-.- SORRY FELICIAAA)): dont get too stressed up alright.
English; Passed up th recording thing.
Netball; Was hell-.- starting of th training only, coach made us do 5sets of steps+ runs. EVERYBODY was like perspiring like mad. Some was complaining( me also) HAHA. steps got 4 variations and runs were in th field. No cutting of edges someore, pfft. then did ball works and stuff. Court work and training ended with 2 sets of suicides(or wtv u spell it).
Home. I seriosuly think my bros suck much. they on my laptop and couldnt figure out my password. they didnt off it okay-.- HOW STUPID. waste my battery only. Bros keep shouting and fighting-.- Ryan threw things at me when i didnt want to let him use my laptop. Zzz. i learn to forgive and forget :D but they really have to grow up la!
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