when i cry ;
Not in th usually-cheerful mood.. life sucks, alot. I start to treasure it just this year, knowing alot of bad things will happen, i thought and reflected alot. Tears are always flowing.
I dont see a point in living on. I dunno why, i just feel that i think and understand too much at my age. Resulting in th super emotional Huisi.
Hyeahh, but smiled upon watching Shawn's videos and Ms Swan(: BOTH are real cute! well, i shall post about yesterday and th day before ytd. ( it's 12.10AM now)
Fri; 18/7.
Fri; 18/7.
School as per normal..i cried cos of maths result-.- stupid, i know. but i did real badly. worst math result in sec sku. sigh.. regrets. I know that my maths paper will be th one i will get th highest among all th 4 papers i took, yet i got such low marks. Sometimes, i feel im a failure, making people dissapointed and stuff.
Tania & Kelsey cheered me up(: Bus-ed to Parkway with Tania and Kelsey dearrie! Walked around and trying to get a life.Tmrw will be Tania's last week in spore. gawd, im crying.im in a all-dark room (only laptop screen light)alone, listening to nice soothing music. those kind of atmosphere i like and th time i will think alot. I will miss her, badly. she's my super- close friend and netball partner. She's leaving.. nevermind.. Alvin kor just talked to me, his grandma is going to pass away from cancer, he feels he's useless.. I feel that too. I seriously cant imagine what will happen in future. Whenever i think of future & past, i cry, like now. i know that leaving this world is something that will happen to everyone.. I just cant bear th pain of looking at my friends& relatives leaving. I dont know what's wrong with me okay, really.
Sat; 19/7.
Woke up in th morning at around 9am. On-ed laptop and tagged JJ kor's blog with a Happy Bday, yeahh, his bday. Washed up, and packed my bag. My stupid disastrous hair went against me-.- it took me about 45min to tie NEATLY. damnit manszx. i left my house at 10.29am when i was supposed to meet Jerry and Elizabeth at 10.30am, great. Worse blades and off, i went. It took me around 8min to reach Eli's house at Bayshore(: i thought i was late cos Jerry sms-ed me when i was on th way. In th end, i reach there, Eli havent come out. When she reavhing th gate, i tell Jerry, 'woah, Elizabeth chio leh!' then 2 secs later i said 'Her parents still must bring her out leh.' then he said he thought th parents coming along. zzz.
Reached East coast and went to look for Peizhen they all after Eli rent her blades. Met Peizhen, Jessica, Zhiqin and her sister. Zq, Pz and J 1st time blade outside, they just had their 1st inline skating course on thurs. Pz can balance best among them. Jessica keep falling down-.- She's funny luh! Keep screaming. Zq's sis very nice to her leh, still teach her and hold her hand. Jerry, me and Eli hold pz and Jessica's hand. Bladed alot and cos Pz had swimming classes at 2pm, th other 4 of them went th other way while me, Jerry and Eli went back. We decided to eat Macs. So ate lor. Fattening leh. Jerry went home(i think) which he had to go further down.Eli returned her blades and we 2 went same way. She reached then i went home blading with my legs hurting-.- what do you expect man, i bladed from 10.30am-2pm!
No one was at home so called mum asked her where she was. then she said that she's with Daddy, Ryan(bro), Jack(bro) and Ahma, going bedok inter. I bathed, used laptop till about 3.30pm and went to look for them. 229-ed there and went library to find them. Went to 2nd floor where Mum, Aunt and Ryan was. read TSGS till Ryan decided to lend me Aunt's leptop. was pissed off by her laptop cos she bought it from Japan then th words in Japanese-.-
Left library at around 6.35pm. Walked to nearby coffee-shop to eat. Ate this well-knowned western food stall with a weird name of 'Botak Jones' Food was nice? th menu super cute! Almost evry page got joke. Yeahh, saw Caleb there. He looked at me then i looked at him, at 1st couldnt recognise him. then i was like' ehh, look like caleb sey.' i waved and he waved back, he turned to tell his dad while i told my mum. he become more shuai leh. Tsk tsk. Reached home at 9pm.

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