Bye Taniaaa)):
Past few days werent enjoyable): tmrw is Tania's last day in sku): having farewell party): hope i wont cry! bleahh :X Bro and Mum got attitude problem mans! cant take it anymore-.-
Overslept :O i slept at 1.20am ytd night! haha. when i looked at th lack it was like 6.42am :O i shocked-.- ran to bathroom, changed, brushed teeth and tied hair. 1st time in my life, i did everything super fast! HA. i left my house at 6.53am! 11min leh! HAHA. Had mass PE, ran 3 rounds:D came in 3rd girl in th sec 1 express cohort(: 1st Kimberly, 2nd Tahira and i 3rd? I THINK SO! 4th was Eli leh:]
Geog was boring :X almost fell asleep-.- sms-ed Isabella:D history, Vasu asked me to go help her take notes from th photocopying lady. She blurblur one lor. haha! Then recess, ate with usual pals:] Chinese had tingxie-.- sian lor. HAHA. then english, had th vocab test thing, was okay luh, i remembered alot:DD i cheated for 1 word i couldnt rmb :X i looked at Jiawei's paper then i quickly scribble. HHA! Maths was 3 periods cos took 1 PG period(: Tahira MEI was damn cute leh;D she keep going- Jie, this one how do? PG was slack lor. Colouring only-.- HAH. After sku, went Cold Storage with Felicia les, Huiyi and Sinhuay Dajie! bought food and went back sku for training. Training was tiring.. sian la. Tania's last training:[
Today she didnt go sku cos not feeling well D:BUT she attended her LAST netball training. debrief that time, coach talked about Tania, leaving and stuff, i cried-.- Thanks Azra, Nazirah, Tania, Sinhuay, Tahira for comforting me! love you all(: bus-ed home with Tahira:]
Gosh, hope i wont cry tmrw)': BYE TANIA): I'll miss you!
Nazirah, Sweetie!

Zzz. Sorry, i super zilian :O
Azra Sexy;D
Felicia; Les!
Overslept :O i slept at 1.20am ytd night! haha. when i looked at th lack it was like 6.42am :O i shocked-.- ran to bathroom, changed, brushed teeth and tied hair. 1st time in my life, i did everything super fast! HA. i left my house at 6.53am! 11min leh! HAHA. Had mass PE, ran 3 rounds:D came in 3rd girl in th sec 1 express cohort(: 1st Kimberly, 2nd Tahira and i 3rd? I THINK SO! 4th was Eli leh:]
Geog was boring :X almost fell asleep-.- sms-ed Isabella:D history, Vasu asked me to go help her take notes from th photocopying lady. She blurblur one lor. haha! Then recess, ate with usual pals:] Chinese had tingxie-.- sian lor. HAHA. then english, had th vocab test thing, was okay luh, i remembered alot:DD i cheated for 1 word i couldnt rmb :X i looked at Jiawei's paper then i quickly scribble. HHA! Maths was 3 periods cos took 1 PG period(: Tahira MEI was damn cute leh;D she keep going- Jie, this one how do? PG was slack lor. Colouring only-.- HAH. After sku, went Cold Storage with Felicia les, Huiyi and Sinhuay Dajie! bought food and went back sku for training. Training was tiring.. sian la. Tania's last training:[
Today she didnt go sku cos not feeling well D:BUT she attended her LAST netball training. debrief that time, coach talked about Tania, leaving and stuff, i cried-.- Thanks Azra, Nazirah, Tania, Sinhuay, Tahira for comforting me! love you all(: bus-ed home with Tahira:]
Gosh, hope i wont cry tmrw)': BYE TANIA): I'll miss you!
Nazirah, Sweetie!
Zzz. Sorry, i super zilian :O
Azra Sexy;D
Felicia; Les!
PEACE. i'll remember& miss you]: take care!
xoxo, `Huisi:DD
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