Time flies...
Great man, i cried yesterday-.- like waterfall somemore. Cried around 1h? Omygosh man. from 12.15pm-1.20pm! Zzzz. i dont want Tania to leave lehs): TOMORROW! going to send her off! *sighs*
Went to sku feeling very moody.
Science; Mrs Samuel moodswing very serious leh. Haha, alot of people also say :X she one moment smilesmile, another moment, shouting her head off-.- ha. Learnt new things.
Recess; Ate mango pudding:D
D&T; eew. i dont like D&T): Jerry was damn bad sials. I was pissed off with him okay -.- failed th test. sian. HAH. but i dont give a damn liao. D&T only what, wont make me drop to NA. i told my mum and she was like 'orh. why leh?' i tell you, my whole family sucks at designing. Lol. But i almost cried leh. Haha, cos i was very anxious till i got tears. then i decided that it was no big deal. I was angry with Jerry though. He helped Felicia pass then never help me-.- damn him luh. But he sms-ed me to apologised after sku.
Mother Tongue; Had a stupid test-.- will pass luhs. th 填写汉字was alright for me cos i studied:D haha! but is recess time study de :O th passage was crap-.- like fairytale like that.
Maths Farewell party; Ms Loo let us use Maths period as farewell party for Tania. Aiman cried first :O he likes Tania what.. HAH. i held my tears for very long okay.. from 11.55am-12.15pm.. 20 mins! Lol. Then most people left alr, i cried-.- Zzzz.
Went library to record th voice thing for english hw, sucked much. then Mum super naggy. Keep calling, ask me go down cos she alr downstairs-.- finished recording, told xinrong help me transfer then i 'flew' down. HAHA. i ran super fast o.0 haha! Ethel couldnt catch up ;O
Guess what-.- went Pulau Ubin leh(: HAHA.cool ehh, after sku go Pulau ubin[: Went there with Mummy, Jack(Bro), Charlotte(Mum fren daughter), Uncle Koh, Uncle Jason, Aunty Connie, Aunt Chris. All mum's friends(: Reach ubin, went Mum & Aunty Chris friend's house! Cool right:D got house in ubin~ LOL! But, i wouldnt want :X haha! it's super dirty *grins* sheeesh. Th guy name uncle JACK:D ha! his house is like Kampong style luh. th sister last time also BDS one leh! haha, she got alot of trophies *widen eyes* They got alot of birds! Like 15? Omgosh la. Then 5 tortoises, 1 cat, 2 dogs, uncountable no. of fishes, 1 parrot, got 1 BOAR leh! like woah, like zoo huh. Lol. anw,here, if you keep boars as pets, is illegal one leh . Lol. Ate alot of durians :X haha! my mum's main motive of going there-.- haha.
Left for home and reached home at around 7pm.
Woke up in th morning and mum was in th same room. Got up to bathe at 9.25am. Going East Coast with Zhiqin, Jerry,Jessica& Peizhen.Sadly, Eli couldnt make it D: Breakfast-ed at 9.55am and decided to let bro tag along. Told him to go wash up and stuff. Was late :O sorry, Jerry-.- was supposed to meet him at 10.30am! haha, left house at 10.28am. Bleah ;X bro luh, so slow. met him at th toilet near th underpass. Skated to macdonalds there meet th rest. Jerry fell down and th blood keep flowing non-stop. Very long leh! Peizhen, NOT your fault okay.. Jerry felt bad cos after th fall, everybody th mood like not happy like that.But not his fault luh(: i was deep in thought. Skated till 1.30pm today. Shorter than last wk(:
Homed, bathed, lunched and aunt's house. Use laptop. 4.5h le x.X dinner-ed, had KFC. was nice luh, BUT fattening): sian lor. Moodswing. Shouted at bros. Watch Tv, human tetris. blogging. tmrw will be heading to Bugis with Sonia for Jessica, get it? It's Jessica want Sonia to go with her [tsk, she asked me twice alr! so despo! ;O] Coz that babe's bday coming, her god-bro want treat her to movie. Lol, batman. so yeah, after that walk around, will be going airport:D hope no tears!
I like to look at waves :O
On th boat.
In th house. i was wearing pants-.-
Tania, Nazirah, me((:
With spectacles!
My eyes swollen :X Taniaaa):
Im going crazy over this cute guy! Lol. Shawn Tok!
Lol, on th boat. bro's trying to catch th wave? weird.
1c'o8! without Stanley& Yiying. S was absent. Y was being emo& anti-social.Crazy AA one.
Went to sku feeling very moody.
Science; Mrs Samuel moodswing very serious leh. Haha, alot of people also say :X she one moment smilesmile, another moment, shouting her head off-.- ha. Learnt new things.
Recess; Ate mango pudding:D
D&T; eew. i dont like D&T): Jerry was damn bad sials. I was pissed off with him okay -.- failed th test. sian. HAH. but i dont give a damn liao. D&T only what, wont make me drop to NA. i told my mum and she was like 'orh. why leh?' i tell you, my whole family sucks at designing. Lol. But i almost cried leh. Haha, cos i was very anxious till i got tears. then i decided that it was no big deal. I was angry with Jerry though. He helped Felicia pass then never help me-.- damn him luh. But he sms-ed me to apologised after sku.
Mother Tongue; Had a stupid test-.- will pass luhs. th 填写汉字was alright for me cos i studied:D haha! but is recess time study de :O th passage was crap-.- like fairytale like that.
Went library to record th voice thing for english hw, sucked much. then Mum super naggy. Keep calling, ask me go down cos she alr downstairs-.- finished recording, told xinrong help me transfer then i 'flew' down. HAHA. i ran super fast o.0 haha! Ethel couldnt catch up ;O
Guess what-.- went Pulau Ubin leh(: HAHA.cool ehh, after sku go Pulau ubin[: Went there with Mummy, Jack(Bro), Charlotte(Mum fren daughter), Uncle Koh, Uncle Jason, Aunty Connie, Aunt Chris. All mum's friends(: Reach ubin, went Mum & Aunty Chris friend's house! Cool right:D got house in ubin~ LOL! But, i wouldnt want :X haha! it's super dirty *grins* sheeesh. Th guy name uncle JACK:D ha! his house is like Kampong style luh. th sister last time also BDS one leh! haha, she got alot of trophies *widen eyes* They got alot of birds! Like 15? Omgosh la. Then 5 tortoises, 1 cat, 2 dogs, uncountable no. of fishes, 1 parrot, got 1 BOAR leh! like woah, like zoo huh. Lol. anw,here, if you keep boars as pets, is illegal one leh . Lol. Ate alot of durians :X haha! my mum's main motive of going there-.- haha.
Left for home and reached home at around 7pm.
Woke up in th morning and mum was in th same room. Got up to bathe at 9.25am. Going East Coast with Zhiqin, Jerry,Jessica& Peizhen.Sadly, Eli couldnt make it D: Breakfast-ed at 9.55am and decided to let bro tag along. Told him to go wash up and stuff. Was late :O sorry, Jerry-.- was supposed to meet him at 10.30am! haha, left house at 10.28am. Bleah ;X bro luh, so slow. met him at th toilet near th underpass. Skated to macdonalds there meet th rest. Jerry fell down and th blood keep flowing non-stop. Very long leh! Peizhen, NOT your fault okay.. Jerry felt bad cos after th fall, everybody th mood like not happy like that.But not his fault luh(: i was deep in thought. Skated till 1.30pm today. Shorter than last wk(:
Homed, bathed, lunched and aunt's house. Use laptop. 4.5h le x.X dinner-ed, had KFC. was nice luh, BUT fattening): sian lor. Moodswing. Shouted at bros. Watch Tv, human tetris. blogging. tmrw will be heading to Bugis with Sonia for Jessica, get it? It's Jessica want Sonia to go with her [tsk, she asked me twice alr! so despo! ;O] Coz that babe's bday coming, her god-bro want treat her to movie. Lol, batman. so yeah, after that walk around, will be going airport:D hope no tears!

OHYA, i got new phone! :DD my aunt got it for me! THANKS MAMA((: Sony EricSson C902! black!
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