Today spells TUESDAY!:D
no school!
Monday, got back eng paper 2 results. Didnt do well but well, what can i do?
34/50 or 34/55 lah, idk :O
Went Geylang Serai CC for archery [post exam activity]. Slacked. Quite fun lah{:
Wanted to go with Felicia, Tahira they all for 2nd time but Stanley got hold og th arm guard& didnt want to give me so let him go lor(:
almost forgotten to return attendance book sia! LOL.
Walked out of sku, walked back to return-.- Kelsey called when i was at tidbits, she say she in mrt then realised she never return atendance book :O hahas.
Tuesday, met Sinhuay dajie& Kelsey dearie at school entrance& kelsey returned attendance book. Ashley came soon after and we 10-ed to Kallang netball centre. Went macdonalds, drank smth, Tahira came and we went into that place. Nadia& Nazirah came then Azra. Coach came, gave us holiday schedule which i thought was absurd :X Alot of trainings during holiday lah]: Somemore 3/4 of those are at Kallang!
Coach said today training fitness. Went SSC track to run.
Warm up was stretching& 800m around th track which is equal to 2 rounds. Yucks, having cramps and stupid blood flowing out sucks big time :O
Then did 4 sets of 400m around track and steps. Did steps at th stairs of National stadium which FYI, is 3 flights lor. 3 times more than what we do in sku :O && 7 VARIETIES! Yikes, gonna do th same thing again& again every training at KNC. National Stadium's stairs are long D:
Do finish 1st set want die alr lor! :X Did 3 sets with Ashley then last set alone cos coach was rushing me :O stomach cramp what! -.-x Nazirah vommited on th steps :O Azra almost vommited too..
After training went KFC with Sinhuay, Tahira, Marilyn, Kelsey& Ashley.
Kallang KFC= free refill[; {Drinks}
12-ed back with Kelsey, Ashly& Sinhuay! Missed 2 twelves while waiting for Kelsey& Ashley to come back cos they went to th toilet. But got to board a double decker 12:D
Sinhuay alighted at my stop then took 229 home. Bathed, fetched bro, played at playground around my block(: Played with primary school kids [P1-P5] . Childhood! Although it was abit childish but i enjoyed.
-School tomorrow!
no school!
Monday, got back eng paper 2 results. Didnt do well but well, what can i do?
34/50 or 34/55 lah, idk :O
Went Geylang Serai CC for archery [post exam activity]. Slacked. Quite fun lah{:
Wanted to go with Felicia, Tahira they all for 2nd time but Stanley got hold og th arm guard& didnt want to give me so let him go lor(:
almost forgotten to return attendance book sia! LOL.
Walked out of sku, walked back to return-.- Kelsey called when i was at tidbits, she say she in mrt then realised she never return atendance book :O hahas.
Tuesday, met Sinhuay dajie& Kelsey dearie at school entrance& kelsey returned attendance book. Ashley came soon after and we 10-ed to Kallang netball centre. Went macdonalds, drank smth, Tahira came and we went into that place. Nadia& Nazirah came then Azra. Coach came, gave us holiday schedule which i thought was absurd :X Alot of trainings during holiday lah]: Somemore 3/4 of those are at Kallang!
Coach said today training fitness. Went SSC track to run.
Warm up was stretching& 800m around th track which is equal to 2 rounds. Yucks, having cramps and stupid blood flowing out sucks big time :O
Then did 4 sets of 400m around track and steps. Did steps at th stairs of National stadium which FYI, is 3 flights lor. 3 times more than what we do in sku :O && 7 VARIETIES! Yikes, gonna do th same thing again& again every training at KNC. National Stadium's stairs are long D:
Do finish 1st set want die alr lor! :X Did 3 sets with Ashley then last set alone cos coach was rushing me :O stomach cramp what! -.-x Nazirah vommited on th steps :O Azra almost vommited too..
After training went KFC with Sinhuay, Tahira, Marilyn, Kelsey& Ashley.
Kallang KFC= free refill[; {Drinks}
12-ed back with Kelsey, Ashly& Sinhuay! Missed 2 twelves while waiting for Kelsey& Ashley to come back cos they went to th toilet. But got to board a double decker 12:D
Sinhuay alighted at my stop then took 229 home. Bathed, fetched bro, played at playground around my block(: Played with primary school kids [P1-P5] . Childhood! Although it was abit childish but i enjoyed.
Tag replies;
Marilyn: HELLO(:
SHERYL: Now Cookie Monster upgrade already, eat
Elmos also. :D
HUISI: LOL, upgrade seh! FYI, it's ELMO notELMOS! Haha, ONLY ONE.
SONIA: Hahas ! Marilyn's after me! YAY!
HUISI: What's with th '(insertnamehere)'s after me!'?
meimei: hello(:
HUISI: Hello.
mel-lisa: didn't noe tahi's bro point middle at
jia wei!!!....btw,tagged!
HUISI: of course you dont know lah! You weren't there :O ty for tag.
JIANYING: hey! relink! ^^
HUISI: Sure[:
Nazirah♥: Hahahah!
Yeaaaaah! :D
Nazirah♥: Hey, relink me please, sorry for the
HUISI: LOL, get enough rest& dont eat too late! & sure thing, no trouble.
NADIA♥: hey cute babe ! :D
link me up aites (; sorry for the trouble caused
HUISI: Nah, im not cute!:D Sure(: no trouble!
-School tomorrow!
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