Btw, i posted about thurs& friday at th post below. Before th one i replied tags!
Okay, shall not crap so much :B
Saturday, woke up& wanted to blog but i keep side-tracking lah :X so in th end never manage to post lor. Bathed, left house& smsed Yvonne:D we took th same train but we were at different ends. Met her at passenger service there then 5-10min later, Jiaen& Jianying came{:
Went inside white sands& eat. Meihoon came after 10-15min. Jianying horrrr, dont want eat! No wonder so skinny lah! Haiyo.
Left for escape after eating!:D Pay adult fair leh!D: but nvm lah, im a grown up now. 4 rides under maintanence lor!): But they compensate us with 1 free ticket EACH :D good good! HAHA. I love inverter& wet and wild leh!((((((: ROCKS LOR. Inverter super shuang!

It turns 360degree de lor
Time just fly when we're having fun.
Wanted to play bumper boat, Jianying& Jiaen left D:
Then got some fuggin arrogant TEENAGERS go dao us after spraying water at us PURPOSELY lor.
Haiya, dont want talk about them, mood spoiler nia.
Took pics before th 2 girls left,

Btw, i posted about thurs& friday at th post below. Before th one i replied tags!
Okay, shall not crap so much :B
Saturday, woke up& wanted to blog but i keep side-tracking lah :X so in th end never manage to post lor. Bathed, left house& smsed Yvonne:D we took th same train but we were at different ends. Met her at passenger service there then 5-10min later, Jiaen& Jianying came{:
Went inside white sands& eat. Meihoon came after 10-15min. Jianying horrrr, dont want eat! No wonder so skinny lah! Haiyo.
Left for escape after eating!:D Pay adult fair leh!D: but nvm lah, im a grown up now. 4 rides under maintanence lor!): But they compensate us with 1 free ticket EACH :D good good! HAHA. I love inverter& wet and wild leh!((((((: ROCKS LOR. Inverter super shuang!

It turns 360degree de lor
Time just fly when we're having fun.
Wanted to play bumper boat, Jianying& Jiaen left D:
Then got some fuggin arrogant TEENAGERS go dao us after spraying water at us PURPOSELY lor.
Haiya, dont want talk about them, mood spoiler nia.
Took pics before th 2 girls left,

Girls day out!
Me& Yvonne Bestie!
This is not in escape lah.
In ehub:D NICE!
Sunday, met Sherylcookiemonster at parkway[: Treated her Pastamania& bought her Kingdom Hearts Manga which she was hinting for me to buy it for her as birthday present. Yucks, mummy said she'll see my results first before deciding if she would get th ONTO headphones for me!
Bus-ed to cousin's house to play, slack& swim:D
Went to swim soon after. Yay, love swimming!:D
Need improve stamina leh!]:
Need improve stamina leh!]:
Tag replies!:Bella;sweetheart!: but now i still continue eh(: haihs..today didnt manage
to go escape with you all): cause of my..mummy -.-HUISI: Haha, nvm lah[: Be good girl lor!elizabeth (:: DARLLINNNG ! >.<>HUISI: Darling[: ily too!:D
thanks!mel-lisa: tagged!!!(^~^)HUISI: Thanks crazayye!IsabellaKOH: HELLOS!HUISI: HELLO!(:sweehar♥YANYALUN!: OMG LA!! UR BLOGSKINNNN!!! !"£$%^&*()_+~ SO
YESYES, YALUN'S FRIGGIN CUTEE!Bella;sweetheart!: hey thr sweet!!relink(: thanks=]HUISI: Haha, sure(:JANE: HEY SEXAYE. :D Who likes me? -.-HUISI: Look who's talking!
Somebody lah:D Cannot say! But he doesnt like you anymore.SHERYL: Eh fk you, why never post. Cookie Monster will eat you up
tmrw.HUISI: Hey, no fking here!
Posted lah{: i thought Cookiemonster only eat cookies?! o.oJiaen: HUISI , IMY alots mans +D btwwwwwssssssssssss ur photo remember to
get from me +PHUISI: LOL, we just saw each
other on saturday! o.o haha, nvm lah.JIANYING: HELLO! [: blog arh!HUISI: HEY!(: Blogged!elizabeth <3:>HUISI: Heyy!{: BIRD! thanks for
tag, love ya too! Tctc♥Tahira: EH! Don't anyhow say my bro learn from me th middle finqer stuff
horhs!HUISI: NO MEH! then learn from
sku meh-.- HAHA. sure one lorrrrr.
Actually planned to go iceskating with Kelsey dearie& Sinhuay dajie one lor!]:
Then fuggin imelda wants us go training tmr! #$%^
Somemore ask us go all th way to Kallang Netball Center for training!-.-
According to senior, training at stadium is alot worse than normal! :O
Im guessing it'll be like hell :F
Well well, im sad lah, people jio me out i cannot go! D:
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